Therapy for Children

Interpreting the Behavioral Signs of Emotional Pain

Children have a special way of telling us they are really struggling with something…

Often they tell us through behaviors that push us away from them…

… Behaviors that hold them back from realizing their full potential.

As annoying and provocative as those behaviors can be, they are communicating underlying emotional pain.

Bringing out the Best in Even the Most Challenging Child

I’m passionate about uncovering the struggle and helping both the child and the parents work through it.

I empower parents to feel as though they can support their child.

I teach children the skills they need to identify what’s bothering them, name it, and manage it. You have to name it to tame it!

I get to be part of helping a child feel as though they do belong and that they can handle things.

I love helping every child feel seen, heard, and loved.

But how do I know if my child really needs therapy?

I understand. Therapy can feel like a drastic step to take with your child.

I think a good litmus test is whether their behavior is affecting you and the relationships around them.

You love your child, but do you sometimes find it difficult to like them?

Does it feel as though they act up for no good reason?

Have you begun to feel so stressed or even depressed by their behavior, as though there’s no light at the end of the tunnel?

Is everything an uphill battle with your child?

Do you find yourself adjusting your lifestyle because of your child?

Have the feeling that you’re walking on eggshells around your child—trying not to upset him or her?

Does nothing you do seem to change their behavior?

Does your child sometimes seem not to hear you?

Has their behavior begun to put a strain on your marriage or their sibling relationships?

Do you avoid going to certain places or doing certain activities?

Does your child avoid activities or social events?

Does he or she refuse to go to school or separate from you?

Does your child often complain of physical symptoms like headaches or stomach aches?

Does your child relate well to other children… or are other children turned off by your child?

If you’re still not sure, give me a call, and we can talk through whether or not your child would benefit from therapy.

Can’t I just wait it out? Kids go through phases, don’t they?

You could wait, but children are learning all of the time, and the more out-of-control behavior is tolerated, the more firmly rooted it becomes.

Sure they go through phases, but even in those phases, they can learn bad habits and unhealthy relationships patterns that become ingrained. These bad habits or unhealthy patterns can create a negative experience both at home and at school.

For me, both personally and professionally, that was the biggest takeaway after doing therapy in a clinic setting: By the time a child is 8 or 9, he or she is already “cooked,” so to speak. Once children take on the label of “problem child,” they believe it.

At that age, the relationship patterns that have already been established can be more resistant to change and even harder to repair.

The earlier you can help your child to learn how to connect with others positively, the happier and more successful they are going to be.

What can I expect from this process?

I consider myself like a detective trying to uncover what’s behind your child’s struggle.

Like a detective, I will ask questions and stay curious. I think questions are a powerful tool for transformation.

First, I will meet with you, the parents, to go over a thorough history of your child, to learn more about your perspective, your child’s strengths, and what your ideal result would be from the process.

Then, collaboratively, we will come up with goals that will help you and your child reach your ideal outcome.

By the end of therapy, you, the parent, and your child will feel like a good fit, connected again. Being connected with others is the best feeling in the world.

Your child will feel loved, understood, and nurtured.

Your household will have more moments of joy, and it will be a place of calm and peace again.

And your child will be on his or her way to becoming a more confident, resilient, and more emotionally intelligent human being.

Call 203-295-4787 for a free consultation today.

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