In-Home Consultation for Parents & Their Children

Getting Back to Basics

There is a reason that the Robert Fulghum’s book, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” resonates with so many of us.

It’s because the majority of the tools we need to become successful, functioning adults were learned in kindergarten.

But now, kids in kindergarten (and even in preschool) are not learning these social-emotional skills.

Be aware of wonder.
Remember the little seed in the Styrofoam cup:
The roots go down and the plant goes up
and nobody really knows how or why,
but we are all like that.

–Excerpt from “All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten”


Parenting Is a Journey

We need to pay attention to those roots! That’s what I will help you do with in-home consultation.

We will get those “roots” off to an optimal start so the plant has a strong foundation.

I’ve been there both personally and professionally, tried all of these parenting “techniques” that often don’t work because… well, because they’re isolated techniques…

… and parenting is a journey—a journey for which you need tools!

And, unfortunately, it’s a journey without a guide, but you can have better than a guide…

You can have a consultant!

Imagine: Understanding, Connection, and Peace

Creating a calm, peaceful household—perhaps unlike the one you grew up in.

Understanding how to respond to challenging behavior in a way that supports your child’s social-emotional development.

Teaching your child from an early age tools they need to be able to say, “I can handle it,” or “I got this.”

Knowing what your child’s behavior means and feeling confident you know how to best respond to it

Feeling less anxious (finally!), and more connected with yourself, your child, and your spouse.

What does in-home consultation look like?

I love to see children in their natural habitats; it’s where they thrive. So, in the first session, I will get to know your family in your home.

And they’ll get to know me as I make observations and gather information.

It works best if you just go about your normal routine.

After the first session, we will collaboratively come up with a vision and goals for your family. In the sessions that follow, you will see what the goals look like in real time.

I will help guide you in whatever way you learn best: modeling, coaching, mentoring, reflecting, or talking.

By the end, you will have your written plan and a lot more knowledge than you started with.

Knowledge is understanding, and understanding leads to empathy, and empathy leads to calm and connection.

What will I get from it?

Feel a sense of calm and self-control (not just pretending to be calm in difficult moments): a true calm.

Experience more joyful moments with your family. Feel confident about your parenting.

Be ahead of the game in raising an emotionally healthy, resilient child. Become more playful and light.

Call me today to get those “roots” off to an optimal start!

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